There will be an exposure camp for boys basketball players grades 9th through 12th (Class of 2014 – 2017) on September 7 at Downey High School in Southern California.
The Back To School Camp is designed to allow high school-aged players to display their skills and gain exposure in front of media and scouts expected to attend the event.
Each camper will participate in three games. There will also be a one hour pre-game workout that starts before the camp for those that are interested. is part of the / Yahoo! Sports network and the website will publish a written and video recap of the event. Event organizers have also invited media and scouts from,, and other media outlets around the country.
Every player that donates a new backpack will receive $25 off their event enrollment fee of $100. The backpacks will be donated to a local Boys and Girls Club for underprivileged kids in the region.
For more information, camp schedule and to register for the camp, CLICK HERE.