With two months to go before the end of the current school year and as 2016 basketball season honors are about to be decided, it’s a good time to introduce our users to an improved and we hope more fun version of the CalHiSports.com web site.
It’s not that different of a design, but there are many improvements:
•A ticker that will feature current top five rankings has been added below the menus. It’s also a feature that can secured by a sponsor.
•Two new modules have been added and the module lineup has been altered. One of the new modules highlights an on-going partnership that began in the fall with the Stockton Record and its StocktonPreps.com web site. The other one has been set up to aid some of our long-time fans who may want to purchase previously published state record books or previously published Student Sports national magazines that we have in storage.
•Some menus have been cleaned up and we added a page to highlight our school-by-school football scores archive and our roster of schools that put in orders for us to compile their own all-time football scores archive.
•All modules and headers have been re-designed with a more bolder look and feel. Plus, we added black-and-white historical images from our photo archives in the right and left margins of the site. Possible advertisers should note that we’d be happy to swap out those images for messages and images to promote any products or services.
•Our site is not yet “mobile friendly” but this new version should be easier for users to check out features more easily on their mobile devices.
Special thanks to our web designer, James Kerti, for his work on this re-design. He’s been our web developer since the site began in 2013 on a more comprehensive Word Press-based platform. If you don’t know, from 2008 to 2012, CalHiSports.com was part of ESPN. Then from 2004 to 2008 it was part of the Rivals.com high school network. And from 1989 to 2008, Cal-Hi Sports was part of Student Sports.
There is another reason why we wanted to re-design the site this spring. It’s really the beginning of an attempt to collect some sponsors both for the short term and for the upcoming football season. We currently only have a handful of partners and will need to add some funding to continue doing everything we’re now doing with this site.
Rest assured to all Gold Club subscribers that we’re entertaining no thoughts whatsoever of discontinuing any Gold Club features. It’s the concept of a mixed free and premium content web site that will need to be evaluated in the coming months.
If anyone has any questions about the site or would like to help us secure a sponsor or two, please call me personally or send me a text. The phone number is 209-608-1317.
Thanks and have a great spring,
Mark Tennis
Publisher/Cal-Hi Sports