Redlands East Valley head coach Kurt Bruich holds CIF D2 state title game plaque last December after team defeated Clayton Valley of Concord. Photo: Mark Tennis.
Does De La Salle loss in Texas screw up this year’s picks for Northern California? That question plus a few others are answered after the first week of major games are played across the state.
Note: In previous years of the CIF state football bowl games, we’ve done the bulk of our breakdowns of what to watch for during the season within the various state bowl game rankings. With the new format of 13 divisions, however, we’ll break down a lot of the intricate factors of which teams may play each other by simply answering some questions. We welcome all users to submit questions by email to markjtennis@gmail.com or you can text them to 209-608-1317.
This inside look at the CIF bowl games is going to be for Gold Club members only. We’d love to have you join our team and this is a great time to join for two reasons: 1. It’s the start of a new school year and new football season; and 2. The annual yearly price is going up possibly as early as next week. For details, CLICK HERE.