We took in all the sessions of the 2014 Pangos All-West Frosh/Soph Camp at Cerritos (Calif.) College over the weekend and broke down our notes and evaluations to rank the top forty players in attendance.
The following rankings are based on evaluations of all 201 campers from all the sessions, not just the two Cream of the Crop All-Star Games. The following rankings are based on performance at the camp only, not on performance combined with previous honors, national or state player rankings. They are also ranked with actual performance in mind, not a player’s potential as a college prospect. Some players did not participate in every session of the camp and in some instances that altered the rankings. The camp was extremely deep and some players deserving of making the bottom 20 (21-40) of this list did not make the cut who easily could have. There was a drop off in talent after the first dozen or so and plenty of diminutive guards were in attendance. Keep in mind guard tend to dominate showcase settings such as the Pangos Frosh/Soph Camp (s).
Player krystian wilson attending etiwanda high basketball player a Beast good kid his motor never stops he shutdown every guard that got in front of him in fact every player while scoring rebounding assist.you better check him out…
Hey I watched this kid at afew turnaments he is a young. Beast on both sides of the ball that turnament the young solider hit 6/3 pointers in one game average 22 pints a game 10 rebounds 12 -assist and a hand full of steals he is In that etiwanda program that’s a major plus for him, the sky is the limit for this kid. Very humble kid I will follow him Thru etiwanda how did pango miss ranking that young man I gaurantee you will here about him KRYSTIAN WILSON THEY SAY (AKA KASH)
Bryce Sloan is the best up and coming basketball player in the northwest, he is a great guard, with great court vision and a nose for scoring the ball. He is the next big thing her in Portland, OR. Look into him he is a great freshman playing up on all occasions!